A closer future

Mexico Pacific’s exceptional North American West Coast project fundamentals leverage abundant, low-cost natural gas from the nearby Permian Basin and a significantly closer proximity to Asia, the engine room of global LNG demand, to reliably deliver the lowest landed priced LNG into Asia. We will position Mexico as the fourth largest LNG exporting country and a key contributor in meeting critical energy security needs.

Importantly, we are also advancing the global energy transition by providing LNG to facilitate coal-to-gas switching in Asia leading the way towards a closer, more sustainable future.

Our Commitment

We are committed to supplying affordable, reliable energy for decades to come, promoting LNG as a transition fuel and ensuring energy security.

North America’s Next Generation of LNG

Our anchor project, the 15 mtpa Saguaro Energía LNG export facility, is strategically located on the west coast of Mexico, in Puerto Libertad, Sonora, approximately 200 km south of the US border.

Our unparalleled site location provides

  • access to abundant, low-cost U.S. natural gas in the nearby Permian Basin;
  • firm pipeline capacity with redundancy across multiple routes;
  • a large, unconstrained site with ideal civil conditions;
  • a dedicated port free of high-risk weather events;
  • an established, uncongested shipping route, avoiding the Panama Canal; and
  • a significantly shorter shipping route to Asia when compared to the Gulf Coast.

Enabling Mexico Pacific to provide an enhanced and de-risked alternative to U.S. LNG supply.

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